It should be treated as binary data or, better yet, merged into the original document through XML namespaces. 应该将其看作二进制数据,更好的是通过XML名称空间将其合并到原来的文档中。
Instead, a copy of the original document must be created and updated accordingly. 相反,必须创建原始文档的一个副本,然后做出相应的更新。
The emerging XQuery update standard specifies that all update operations in the MODIFY clause are applied independently from each other to the original document. 即将形成的XQuery更新标准规定,MODIFY子句中的所有更新操作相互独立地应用于文档。
However, the rename only applies to phone elements in the original document, and not to the new phone element that is added in the same update statement. 但是,重命名操作只应用于原文档中的“phone”元素,对于在同一个更新语句中添加的“phone”元素不起作用。
The first is the original document, and the second is a hash map that is merged in with the original document before the updated document is stored in CouchDB. 第二个是一个哈希映射,在更新文档存储在CouchDB中之前,会把该哈希映射和原始文档一起merge进来。
When a document is created and versioned, it represents the original document. 当一个文档创建并确定了版本,它给出的就是初始文档。
The XML generation could jeopardize the integrity of the original document and lose MS Office features. XML的生成会危害原始文档的完整性,并且会丢失MSoffice特性。
Each translation unit contains a sentence or paragraph that's extracted from the original document in an element called, and the translator has to fill a element with the appropriate translation. 每个翻译单元包含从原始文档中抽取的一个句子或者一个段落,原始文本放在元素中,翻译人员需要用适当的翻译文本填充元素。
Typically the resulting XML document is very close to the original document. 一般情况下,产生的XML文档十分接近于原始文档。
The document root element should reflect the result of the XSLT, not the original document. 文档根元素应当反映XSLT的结果,而非原始文档。
If the encoding of the original document is the same as the target encoding and your changes are still valid in the target encoding, then you should use XMLFormatter:: UnRep_CharRef instead. 如果原始文档的编码和目标编码相同,并且目标编码中的修改仍然有效,您应该使用XMLFormatter::UnRepCharRef。
If you want to add the requirement in the original document, accept all changes related to this section. 如果您想要在原始的文件中添加需求,那么您可以接受与该部分相关的所有变更。
Inline tags depend on the format of the original document. 行内标签依赖于原始文档的格式。
Once the translation agency returns a translated XML document, all strings are reinserted in the original document. 翻译机构返回翻译后的XML文档后,所有的字符串都重新插入原始文档。
The requirement is not present in the original document, and it was added in the branched-off document. 需求并没有呈现在原始的文件中,而是添加到分支了的文件中。
This is called "snapshot semantics", meaning each update operation is logically applied to a separate snapshot of the original document. 这称为“快照语义”,这意味着每个更新操作从逻辑上说应用于原文档的单独快照。
The requirement is present in the original document but was removed in the branched-off document. 需求会呈现在原始的文件中,但是会从分支的文件中删除。
A common scenario for lazy loading happens when an application returns and displays a list of search results, one of which the user clicks to see the original document stored in the index. 懒散加载的一个常见场景大都发生在应用程序返回和显示一系列搜索结果的时候,用户常常会单击其中的一个来查看存储在此索引中的原始文档。
You can merge the modified temporary document into the original document. 您可以将编辑过的临时文件合并到原始的文件之中。
By document's transmitting, library satisfied the user's needs for original document. 文献传递解决了用户对于一次文献的需求。
Because the XML signature code uses canonicalization to generate digital signatures, you can make certain changes to the original document without affecting the validity of the digital signature. 因为xml签名代码使用规范形式产生数字签名,所以可以对原始文件进行适当改动而不影响数字签名的有效性。
References identifying the original document in English are available in our translated document. 翻译文件中有指明在英语原文在何处的附注。
If the recipient knows the password, he or she can execute this file to get the original document. 如果收件人知道密码,他或她可以执行这个文件以获取原始文件。
If you do not supply a photocopy the original document will not be returned to you. 如果您未能提供影印件,则这些原件将不会返还给您。
When the original document or the linked copy is updated, you can update the copy in the other location easily. 更新原始文档或链接副本后,可以很容易地更新其他位置的相应副本。
Deletes all documents from the local autosave database, and makes no changes to the original document. 从本地autosave数据库中删除所有文档,并且不对原始文档做任何更改。
Purchase orders will be formally revised, reviewed and approved as per the original document prior to issuance to the vendor. 采购单签发给供应商之前,要根据原始文件的要求,进行修订、评审和核准。
The submitted documents and relevant appendixes are true, legal and valid, the copy is conforming to the original document, and we undertake corresponding liabilities for all the consequences due to submitting counterfeited documents. 所提交的文件和有关附件真实、合法、有效,复印文本与原件一致,并对因提交虚假文件所引发的一切后果承担相应的法律责任。
That is,( 1) in the original document after inserting a modified image. 即(1)在原有的文档中插入一张经过修饰的图片。
Rule that the best evidence possible shall be produce, so an original document is preferred to a copy. 出示最好证据的规则。因此,原件文件比复印件更可取。